Tuesday 3 July 2007

Jabs, Bags and Nabs

Poor Ethan. Had to have two jabs in the backside yesterday. His mum said he looked at her as they were doing it as if to ask "why are you letting them do this to me?" Poor sod's got the runs now and a bit of a temperature. Nothing Calpol can't fix.
I let my profession down yesterday. A nice foreign woman asked me for a place to get off my bus, but I completely forgot about her and took her and her friend all the way to the end of the route. She was very good about it and I still got her to the place on time for her appointment.
When I finished my shift, a bus pulled in to change drivers and something like 20 police officers jumped on and started pulling people off. I saw at least two young asian guys put into a police van after being searched. Maybe they thought a bus was the next target.
I've got a day off today which was going to be spent on a school trip with Ritchie. The weather's seen that off so it looks like shopping instead. Joy oh joy. I hate shopping. Especially food shopping. Luckily we tend to do most of that online so I don't have to lug weak shopping bags and a baby up four flights of stairs. Of course there are occasions when you run out of things like bread, milk or beer and they need bringing in instantly. I don't mind that, but more than that and I'm cursing. The only time I like to shop is for entertainment, you know, cds, dvds and books, but obviously they're a lot lighter to carry.
I'm looking forward to getting my new t-shirts in the post soon. One is Jimi Hendrix and the other is Bon Jovi. Meanwhile, I've just put in an order on amazon.com for a basketball vest. Only problem with that is, they only send to the U.S. Luckily, my brother-in-law is working in Pennsylvania so he can collect it from them and forward it on to me. What a load of messing about. Good job the exchange rate is so healthy.

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