Monday 9 July 2007

Waxing Lyrical

Has summer arrived at last? The last two days have been amazingly good in terms of weather and it looks pretty good out there now. Have to get my bikini line waxed so I can lie on a beach. Bloody shame I'm nowhere near one.

I'm into the final stretch of the bus rota line from hell. Only three days to go so if I keep positive and leave my hard hat on, hopefully I can make it to Wednesday in one piece. One of the worse things about these late jobs is the lack of sleep you get. I get home about 1am,go to bed about 3 and get up about 7 when Ethan decides he needs feeding. When that happens, there's no reasoning with him. He'll just scream the place down and won't stop until he gets that teat in his mouth. It can get you down if you let it.

When I have my long weekend off, I might go and see my sister in Wickford. She's only seen Ethan once when he was very small so she would have trouble recognizing him now.

Just heard the Household Cavalry have opened their barracks to the public. I might take the family over there for a look. I know Eddie will like it. Horses always go down well with him. Its very difficult these days to find somewhere new to take them for a day out. Most places you can think of, we've either already been there or its out of our price range. London is a good place for things like that but sooner or later you do run out of ideas.

"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" Bob Dylan

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