Sunday 25 November 2012


Friday was quite a momentous day in this household, what with firstly the Mrs goes on her first plane ride to a wedding in Glasgow with her sister, followed a few hours later by the two oldest boys going on a weekend away with the Scouts. So the aftermath? Me left alone with two small children for a whole three days.
One of these children has a constant snotty nose while the other a cough. Several doses of medicine later and we had relief and thankfully not long until bedtime. Once despatched to the land of nod, I had freedom to watch, listen and eat whatever I wanted. Bliss.
By Saturday however, the novelty was beginning to wear off.
I still had to take them shopping and there was washing to be done, not to mention food preparation and constant refreshments to bring. Washing up was a chore I could've done without.
At least I still had the evening to myself. Must admit to a slight feeling of loneliness but that passed as soon as Match of the Day came on followed by the Rolling Stones film on BBC2.
And so to Sunday.
A short trip to little Tesco for essentials while later we have the match to watch. That finishes just in time to pick up two cold, hungry, tired and grumpy young men. McDonalds will cheer them up.
And then...And then....SHE'S BACK!!!! Should be back about 10 tonight. Can't wait to hear what I haven't done and how lazy I've been.
Normality returns.

1 comment:

myke said...

Nice one david..