Sunday 18 November 2012

Scania Rant

This photo shows the common curse of the Scania driver. Anyone who has this on their dashboard knows a slow ride awaits.
Our Scanias have been with us for three years now and for the first two, we knew where we stood with them. If your bus was numbered between 15125 and 15159, it would be able of going at a fair speed with decent pulling away speed. Anything numbered 15160 to 15174 would crawl.
Over the last year, more and more of these things have the problems illustrated in the photo which brings with it extremely low pulling away speed, coupled with a tendency to hit every red light there is. Just as you manage to get any movement out of it, it's time to hit the brakes. All in all a very unhappy situation and working practice.
Every so often you hear rumours of why this is; warranty expired, too costly to fix etc etc.
I'm sure I'm not the only driver to pray for the day when these 'accidents waiting to happen' are either fixed properly or just taken off the road completely. Give me a good TA any day.
Rant over.

Otherwise a fairly easy Sunday with no drama, just how I like it.


myke said...

I'm so glad that nI don't drive a bus anymore. Have they still got VA1?

Unknown said...
