Thursday 23 May 2013

Change of Idea

When I sat down to think of something to write about, I decided to mention the stupid people at Virgin who couldn't get my upgrade order right.
Then I heard the news coming in fromWoolwich.
What sort of people could do such a wicked thing in the name of their supposed God?
I have a limited knowledge of religion and refuse to induct myself or any of my children into any religion and make them live by a set of rules made by people centuries ago to make people subservient to their wont. If my boys want to join any of these sects when they're old enough to make up their own minds, then they can with my blessing. However, as far as I can see, nothing good ever came from them. All wars seem to have a religious connotation attached. Why has there been fighting in the Middle East for decades? Religion.
There was even a man who came into my son's primary school last week who told a bunch of 6 year olds 'God is the most important person in your life'....Will be having words with the headmaster very soon!

I know lots of people get comfort from their Faith and I don't have a problem with them. What I object to is having their ideas and views being rammed into my ears when I very clearly don't want it. These people believe what they are saying, but where did they get their information? Usually from someone with an axe to grind who is very good with words, therefore making it sound right.

The callous,cold-blooded murder in South London yesterday has no place in society whichever race, religion or section of people you're from. I can't ever see it happening, but I for one would advocate a return of the death penalty for crimes such as this.
A the same time, organisations such as the EDL also have no place here. As has been said before, most Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding people. It's just a tiny, obviously mentally unstable minority that has the biggest problem with us and our way of life.

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